• Sat. Jan 18th, 2025

24 Best Angular Interview Questions

1.How to pass data from parent to child or child to parent. Ans-Parent to child: Data can be passed from a parent component to a child component by using input…

Web API Interview Questions & Answer

Web API Basics In the description box, you can find a list of all the questions related to the topic of Web API. The initial focus is on basic questions…


Why do we need object oreinted programming ? object oreinted programming helps us to think, in terms of real world objects. Let us try to understand this statement thinking in…

Know About Microservices

Microservices: Devepoment Process Application Architecture Deployement and Packaging Application InfrastructureWaterfall->Monolithic-> Pysical Server->DatacenterAgile->N-Tier->Virtual Servers->HostedDevOps->Microservices->Containers->Cloud Introduction: A microservice is a small unit that has only one responsibility or single logic which solve…

Accolite .NET Interview Question

What is SOLID Principle? What is Liskov ? Difference between Interface and Abstract class in C#? When and How to use Virtual keyword? What is runtime or compile time Polymorphism?…


Creational Design Patterns: As the name suggests, this design provide mechanism of various object creation which reuse of exsting code and increase flexibility. .Abstarct factory,Builder,Factory Method,Prototype,Singleton. Structural Design patterns: As…


SOLID principles are the design principles that enable us manage most of the software design problems. The term SOLID is an acronym for five design principles intended to make software…


SQL SERVER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Normalization is a database design technique to remove redundant data. Denormalization is a database design technique to improve search performance. we merge tables.Duplicate data is present…

volkswagen interview question for .net developer

What are the Pillar of OOPS and Explain? The four pillars for OOP are Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism. Abstraction : Abstraction is the process of showing only essential/necessary features of…

Get Started with Open Source

What is Open Source Software(OSS)?Open Source Software is a computer software whose source code is made publicly available for modification and enhancements. It is released under various licenses like BSD,…